For Students
- Overview:
- What You Will Get Out Of The Program:
- Apply Now to be a HYM Ambassador:
- Apply for HYM Scholarships and Sponsorships :
The Hawaii Youth to Medicine program was built to support the medical aspirations of students who want to become doctors in Hawaiʻi. It provides financial support and guidance through the many phases of becoming a physician, from choosing a college and an undergraduate degree, shadowing medical professionals, completing medical school applications, to completing medical school and residency.
The goal of the Hawaii Youth to Medicine program is to help you become physicians who will serve our community of Hawaiʻi.
- 12 Continuing Medical Education (CME) training sessions
- 4-6 weeks internship, physician shadowing, and or clinic hours at Maui Cardiology or other participating medical institutions
- Potential Full or Part Time employment opportunities at a medical institution (dependent on case-by-case basis and availability)
- Access to HYM student community Discord Server
- Monthly Online Inspiration Series where practical soft skills and professional development skills are taught
- Multi level mentoring and career guidance from physicians, upperclassmen, and fellow students.
- Leadership and communication training in doctor/patient communication, medical school prep, schedule management, and character development
- Fill out application form
- Submit a 5 min video essay. Please include:
- Information about yourself
- Why you deserve to be in this program
- What your future goals are
- Why you want to practice in Hawai’i
- Share your familiar or historical connection to Hawai’i
- Share a member of your community you look up to and why
- Upload to youtube and submit link to email admin@ignitealife.com
- Send a copy of your unofficial transcript to admin@ignitealife.com
- Maintain a GPA of above 3.2
- Obtain three (3) letters of recommendation from your teachers or community members.
- Application fee of $25 (send receipt after donation on the Donate page to admin@ignitealife.org)
- Sign and return contract
- DEADLINE: Ongoing
Responsibilities As a HYM Ambassador:
- Monthly Online Meetings
- Watch 10-week online leadership program
- Teach a class in the leadership program in bi-monthly Inspiration Series
- Find 5x Level 1 Sponsors
- 25 Hours of Volunteer Work
- Attend at least 2 HYM Community Outreach Events a year
- Attend all bi-monthly online Inspiration Series
- One time academic scholarships will be awarded to HYM Ambassador’s on an annual basis to go towards their school and living expenses.
- Ambassadors that are sponsored will receive money on an annual basis to go towards their school and living expenses.
- Requirements to qualify for both:
- Be a HYM ambassador who demonstrates commitment to their studies and to the HYM program.
- A minimum GPA of 3.2 must be maintained.
- Sign commitment to practice in Hawaiʻi contract.
For Physicians
- Overview:
- What You Will Get Out Of The Program:
- Responsibilities As A HYM Partner:
- Requirements For Application:
The Hawaii Youth to Medicine program was created to serve the needs of the Medical community in the State of Hawaii. We have a shortage of doctors on all of the islands. This program was designed to assist Hawaii’s medical community in two ways.
1. To fill the shortage of medical doctors by providing scholarships and training to underserved students helping them forge a path into the medical field. We provide financial support, connections to the medical institutions and associations while we encourage their mental state to get through the maze of medical school and beyond.
2. With the support of Hawaii Youth to Medicine program we offer an exchange. Our assistance in producing homegrown doctors that are willing to remain in the Hawaii medical community for at least 5 years after graduation in turn filling the shortage of doctors in Hawaii.
- Have access to a highly dedicated and eager to learn internship pool of pre-medical, medical, and residency students to mentor
- Join the Thriving Hawaii Youth to Medicine Community Discord
- Have access to free Monthly Inspiration Series where practical soft skills and professional development skills are taught
- Be a part of the state wide solution to help fill the 800 physicians shortage with home grown doctors practicing across Hawai’i
- Be a part of building the legacy of improving the health care community in Hawai’i
- Be willing to have 1-3 student intern at your practice or institution
- Provide hands on training
- Interview and review candidates for your practice
- Create your legacy with the next generation of doctors by imparting your years of wisdom you've gained by working with the Hawai’i community
- Write letters of recommendation for your mentees if so inclined
- Sponsor your student financially to the Ignite a Life Foundation, if so inclined
- Reasonable free help/reduce salary help
- Community recognition for giving back
- Names will be in newspaper when scholarships given out
For Community Supporters
This program gives a community the opportunity to assist keiki by supporting their path to go to the best medical schools here in Hawaii or in the US and then coming home to serve Hawaii in the medical field, filling the void of a shortage of doctors here in Hawaii.
This program helps in overcoming the problem of kids leaving home because of the lack of opportunity here. It supports an educational journey away from home but provides the way back to the rooted soil giving them opportunity on the island for good paying jobs and a good future back at home.
- Give back in a meaningful way that will have a tremendous impact
- Influence the next generation of bright young doctors in Hawai’i
- Join the Thriving Hawaii Youth to Medicine Community Discord
- Have access to free Monthly Inspiration Series where practical soft skills and professional development skills are taught
- Personal connection with Future Doctors you are sponsoring
- Advertisement opportunities and community recognition
- Tax deduction